No Holds Barred Report I
Aai & Carter, Irvin icjr.
In this report: you will discover
The United States Business and Corporation ACT 1996 (USBCA1996)
The 506 Rule as outlined by the SEC Securities Exchange Commission
How to structure a transaction using this ACT
This report is free and packed with information regarding the United States Business and Corporation Act 1996.
Individuals (You) are under no obligations to participate or use the information provided. However, if you understand as I do…when you receive residual income on a monthly basis…your life will change.
“That’s why I’m offering it free.” Carter what’s the catch? The catch is there is not enough people doing these types of financial transaction. Along with this information, I’ll also, introduce you to a SME (subject matter expert) who will show you how to build a web site with little to no money.
His service was free (When I was shown... it was free.) query: “ masscontrol’ or
Of course, you will have to spent time and effort in reading and implementing.
"That’s, the key to your destiny." I need more people to learn how to implement these transactions. In my State, there were only a handful of filings under the USBCA 1996
goto a google, or a like search engine: and query "SEC Security and Exchange Commission"
goto a google, or a like search engine: and query "SEC Security and Exchange Commission"
Look at the United States Business and Corporation Act 1996. especially… the 506 Rule as outlined… Its, up to you to decide is this the platform, the format, the plan of action or the business opportunity for you to diversify and investigate as worthy within your city, county, state.
Individuals or executives in the red zone can invest their self-appointed retirement funds through this program. Non-profits, fraternal organizations, investors, realtors, civic organizations, and trusts.
The only persons not mention are the people who continue to profit off the ignorance of the facts.
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Here are some references…related.
In all essence, its’ the power you hold in believing in this word and yourself. Is this the time when you finally realized that the only thing that determines your future and destiny? “Is you!”
Learn more by receiving a Free Report. Your name and email sent... will be your password. email plus name to [ ] with your email. After receiving a Model you can consult with me Free for 1 (one) Hour based on your Idea or Plan. On the phone or by email or skype as soon as I set the system up. "Implementing Your Plan To Reality"
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Capture Hidden Profits with Unlimited AutorespondersAWeber's automated unlimited autoresponder follow up increases sales, lowers costs, builds lasting customer relationships, and increases your profits!Find out how with Unlimited Autoresponders.
Here are some references…related.
In all essence, its’ the power you hold in believing in this word and yourself. Is this the time when you finally realized that the only thing that determines your future and destiny? “Is you!”
Take the time to learn how the United States Business and Corporation Act 1996 can change not only your life but those in your sphere of influence as well. Help me help other's prosper and earn a good living in return.
Let us start with the history of United States Business and Corporation ACT 1996 also known has the ACT or USBCA 1996.
HISTORY - Related to the United States Business and Corporation Act 1996
Private placements in Florida after the
National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996.
This rule was design to improve the cash flow and business dealings for the rich and well to do individuals or entities.
Look at this article
In October 1996, Congress preempted the ability of the states to substantively regulate private placements of securities conducted in accordance with Rule 506 under the Securities Act of 1933. The effect of this recent law--the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) [1]--on private placements in Florida is illustrated by the following hypothetical:
The CEO of your small business client calls with a problem. A couple of years ago, she tells you, seven individuals (all located in Florida and all very wealthy) invested a total of $1.5 million in your client's business in exchange for shares of the corporation's stock. Upon questioning, you learn that no ... to see this Article you will be led to subscribe to HighBeamResearch at this website: for your info:
In October 1996, Congress preempted the ability of the states to substantively regulate private placements of securities conducted in accordance with Rule 506 under the Securities Act of 1933. The effect of this recent law--the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) [1]--on private placements in Florida is illustrated by the following hypothetical:
The CEO of your small business client calls with a problem. A couple of years ago, she tells you, seven individuals (all located in Florida and all very wealthy) invested a total of $1.5 million in your client's business in exchange for shares of the corporation's stock. Upon questioning, you learn that no ... to see this Article you will be led to subscribe to HighBeamResearch at this website: for your info:
The North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc put forth a Pre Amble for the 110th Congress to enact into Legislation. Which was put into Law? See excerpt of the Pre-Amble and its Articles
For 87 years the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) has worked on initiatives impacting state and federal legislation, rulemaking, and coordinated enforcement actions all with the common goal of protecting investors and maintaining investor confidence in our markets. NASAA is committed to continuing its venerable mission and to that end announces the following legislative agenda. The items in this agenda fall into five broad categories: 1) Preserving the authority of state regulators to protect investors, and evaluating the negative effects of preemption of certain state laws; 2) Strengthening the mechanisms currently in place that provide redress to investors for wrongdoing by industry participants; 3) Maintaining federal laws
For 87 years the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) has worked on initiatives impacting state and federal legislation, rulemaking, and coordinated enforcement actions all with the common goal of protecting investors and maintaining investor confidence in our markets. NASAA is committed to continuing its venerable mission and to that end announces the following legislative agenda. The items in this agenda fall into five broad categories: 1) Preserving the authority of state regulators to protect investors, and evaluating the negative effects of preemption of certain state laws; 2) Strengthening the mechanisms currently in place that provide redress to investors for wrongdoing by industry participants; 3) Maintaining federal laws
Designed to insure corporate accountability and shareholder confidence; 4) Promoting sound and effective regulatory initiatives; and, 5) Improving the scope and breadth of investor education efforts.
1. Support a Strong and Effective Regulatory Structure for Capital Markets.
As noted in the preamble, state securities regulators have a proud tradition of protecting investors…
2. Restore Fairness and Balance in the Securities Arbitration System.
Every year thousands of investors file complaints against their stockbrokers…
3. Encourage Hedge Fund Transparency and Pension Protection.
NASAA supports efforts to regulate hedge funds in a manner that will provide greater transparency to investors while not overburdening the hedge fund industry…
Note! … #4 eludes me. … If this would stimulate more customers why aren’t more Broker Dealers training Entrepreneur & Business Consultants to stimulate growth within their sphere.
4. Preserve the Authority of State Securities Regulators.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) affirmatively preserves the authority of the Securities and
1. Support a Strong and Effective Regulatory Structure for Capital Markets.
As noted in the preamble, state securities regulators have a proud tradition of protecting investors…
2. Restore Fairness and Balance in the Securities Arbitration System.
Every year thousands of investors file complaints against their stockbrokers…
3. Encourage Hedge Fund Transparency and Pension Protection.
NASAA supports efforts to regulate hedge funds in a manner that will provide greater transparency to investors while not overburdening the hedge fund industry…
Note! … #4 eludes me. … If this would stimulate more customers why aren’t more Broker Dealers training Entrepreneur & Business Consultants to stimulate growth within their sphere.
4. Preserve the Authority of State Securities Regulators.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) affirmatively preserves the authority of the Securities and
Exchange Commission and state securities regulators to investigate and bring enforcement actions with respect to fraud and deceit or unlawful conduct by any person when the activities are conducted in a functionally regulated subsidiary of a depository institution.
…They don’t know how? Or they’re not concerned about…
5. Reinstate State Regulatory Authority of Regulation D 506 Offerings.
The scope of covered securities in Section 18(b) of the 1933 Act has expanded since the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) was enacted, even though the definition has technically remained the same.
6. Update and Strengthen the Accredited Investor Definition.
Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed two rules that would require natural persons investing in hedge funds and other private funds that claim an exemption under 1940 Investment Company Act Section 3(c)(1) to have a minimum of $2.5 million in certain types of investments at the time of their investment in the fund. Such investments would not include, among other items, the value of the individual's residence.
7. Maintain Strong Investor Protection Provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Investors were right to be outraged by the frauds of Enron, WorldCom and others and Congress was right to pass tough corporate accountability legislation in response. The industry-created scandals of recent years caused Main Street investors to lose billions of dollars and gave our nation’s corporate reputation a black eye in the world community.
8. Define Equity Indexed Annuities as Securities.
The sale of equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) has risen dramatically since 1995, when they first appeared on the market. Estimates are that $25 billion of these products were sold in 2005.
9. Uphold State Role in Data Security Breach Protection.
As a result of both our enforcement and education efforts, state securities regulators have been made acutely aware of the investing public’s concern with security of their personal data and protection from identity theft.
10. Increase Sanctions for Crimes Against Senior Citizens.
Notwithstanding the multi-front offensive launched by state and federal securities regulators, senior citizens remain a target for unscrupulous scam artists.
11. Advance and Increase Financial Education Efforts.
The securities regulators that form the NASAA membership are firmly committed to promoting and supporting financial literacy, and are firmly committed to delivering investor education.
And that’s what I’m all about. I recently told a friend of mine that I just learned how to build a website and that now I was going on line and give it away. He was confused why and I went on and gave him the low down on the operations and how not only would it be effective and worth while to you the reader but to myself in releasing the knowledge that put me where I’m at now. …halleluiah! “I’ve seen the light.” The Good Book encourages giving and if you believe as I do it is much better to give than receive. For the remaining NASAA White Paper and Pre-Amble to Regulation Rule 506 and Regulations and Rules associated link for full doc:
NASAB to 110thCONGRSS agenda[1].pdf
Now look at:
Rule 506 of Regulation D Link:
Rule 506 of Regulation D is considered a "safe harbor" for the private offering exemption of Section 4(2) of the Securities Act. Companies using the Rule 506 exemption can raise an unlimited amount of money. A company can be assured it is within the Section 4(2) exemption by satisfying the following standards:
The company cannot use general solicitation or advertising to market the securities;
The company may sell its securities to an unlimited number of "accredited investors" and up to 35 other purchases. Unlike Rule 505, all non-accredited investors, either alone or with a purchaser representative, must be sophisticated that is, they must have sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to make them capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment;
Companies must decide what information to give to accredited investors, so long as it does not violate the antifraud prohibitions of the federal securities laws. But companies must give non-accredited investors disclosure documents that are generally the same as those used in registered offerings. If a company provides information to accredited investors, it must make this information available to non-accredited investors as well;
The company must be available to answer questions by prospective purchasers;
Financial statement requirements are the same as for Rule 505; and
Purchasers receive "restricted" securities, meaning that the securities cannot be sold for at least a year without registering them.
While companies using the Rule 506 exemption do not have to register their securities and usually do not have to file reports with the SEC, they must file what is known as a "Form D" after they first sell their securities. Form D is a brief notice that includes the names and addresses of the company’s owners and stock promoters, but contains little other information about the company.
…They don’t know how? Or they’re not concerned about…
5. Reinstate State Regulatory Authority of Regulation D 506 Offerings.
The scope of covered securities in Section 18(b) of the 1933 Act has expanded since the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) was enacted, even though the definition has technically remained the same.
6. Update and Strengthen the Accredited Investor Definition.
Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed two rules that would require natural persons investing in hedge funds and other private funds that claim an exemption under 1940 Investment Company Act Section 3(c)(1) to have a minimum of $2.5 million in certain types of investments at the time of their investment in the fund. Such investments would not include, among other items, the value of the individual's residence.
7. Maintain Strong Investor Protection Provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Investors were right to be outraged by the frauds of Enron, WorldCom and others and Congress was right to pass tough corporate accountability legislation in response. The industry-created scandals of recent years caused Main Street investors to lose billions of dollars and gave our nation’s corporate reputation a black eye in the world community.
8. Define Equity Indexed Annuities as Securities.
The sale of equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) has risen dramatically since 1995, when they first appeared on the market. Estimates are that $25 billion of these products were sold in 2005.
9. Uphold State Role in Data Security Breach Protection.
As a result of both our enforcement and education efforts, state securities regulators have been made acutely aware of the investing public’s concern with security of their personal data and protection from identity theft.
10. Increase Sanctions for Crimes Against Senior Citizens.
Notwithstanding the multi-front offensive launched by state and federal securities regulators, senior citizens remain a target for unscrupulous scam artists.
11. Advance and Increase Financial Education Efforts.
The securities regulators that form the NASAA membership are firmly committed to promoting and supporting financial literacy, and are firmly committed to delivering investor education.
And that’s what I’m all about. I recently told a friend of mine that I just learned how to build a website and that now I was going on line and give it away. He was confused why and I went on and gave him the low down on the operations and how not only would it be effective and worth while to you the reader but to myself in releasing the knowledge that put me where I’m at now. …halleluiah! “I’ve seen the light.” The Good Book encourages giving and if you believe as I do it is much better to give than receive. For the remaining NASAA White Paper and Pre-Amble to Regulation Rule 506 and Regulations and Rules associated link for full doc:
NASAB to 110thCONGRSS agenda[1].pdf
Now look at:
Rule 506 of Regulation D Link:
Rule 506 of Regulation D is considered a "safe harbor" for the private offering exemption of Section 4(2) of the Securities Act. Companies using the Rule 506 exemption can raise an unlimited amount of money. A company can be assured it is within the Section 4(2) exemption by satisfying the following standards:
The company cannot use general solicitation or advertising to market the securities;
The company may sell its securities to an unlimited number of "accredited investors" and up to 35 other purchases. Unlike Rule 505, all non-accredited investors, either alone or with a purchaser representative, must be sophisticated that is, they must have sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to make them capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment;
Companies must decide what information to give to accredited investors, so long as it does not violate the antifraud prohibitions of the federal securities laws. But companies must give non-accredited investors disclosure documents that are generally the same as those used in registered offerings. If a company provides information to accredited investors, it must make this information available to non-accredited investors as well;
The company must be available to answer questions by prospective purchasers;
Financial statement requirements are the same as for Rule 505; and
Purchasers receive "restricted" securities, meaning that the securities cannot be sold for at least a year without registering them.
While companies using the Rule 506 exemption do not have to register their securities and usually do not have to file reports with the SEC, they must file what is known as a "Form D" after they first sell their securities. Form D is a brief notice that includes the names and addresses of the company’s owners and stock promoters, but contains little other information about the company.
If you are thinking about investing in a company making a Rule 506 offering, you should call the SECs Public Reference Branch at (202) 551-8090 or send an email to to find out whether a Form D has been filed or to obtain a copy. If the company has not filed a Form D, this should alert you that the company may not be in compliance with the federal securities laws.
You should always check with your state securities regulator to see if it has more information about the company and the people behind it. Be sure to ask whether your state regulator has cleared the offering for sale in your state. You can get the address and telephone number for your state securities regulator by calling the North American Securities Administrators Association at (202) 737-0900 or by visiting its website. You’ll also find this information in the state government section of your local phone book.
For more information about the SECs registration requirements and common exemptions, read our brochure, Q&A: Small Business & the SEC.
All of the Hyperlink should work if you are receiving this Report via web and are currently connected to the web. If they do not work accordingly try going directly to the above link. Cut and paste! Tomorrow Part II
“No Hold’s Barred Report”
What is the Act and how will in benefit me?
Project Investor’s Sought
Accredited / Unaccredited
Financial Brokers Welcome
10% ROI (Return on Investment)
Secured By
Prime Real Estate-(New Construction)
Corporate Debentures-(Blue Chip)
99.9% Guaranteed
72- 84 Month ROI
More Info:
Abbott Ames Investments
(253) 691-9042 eMail:
Presentations Available Upon Request Please feel free to contact Program Manager and Mention the
New Life Gardens Investment
You should always check with your state securities regulator to see if it has more information about the company and the people behind it. Be sure to ask whether your state regulator has cleared the offering for sale in your state. You can get the address and telephone number for your state securities regulator by calling the North American Securities Administrators Association at (202) 737-0900 or by visiting its website. You’ll also find this information in the state government section of your local phone book.
For more information about the SECs registration requirements and common exemptions, read our brochure, Q&A: Small Business & the SEC.
All of the Hyperlink should work if you are receiving this Report via web and are currently connected to the web. If they do not work accordingly try going directly to the above link. Cut and paste! Tomorrow Part II
“No Hold’s Barred Report”
What is the Act and how will in benefit me?
Project Investor’s Sought
Accredited / Unaccredited
Financial Brokers Welcome
10% ROI (Return on Investment)
Secured By
Prime Real Estate-(New Construction)
Corporate Debentures-(Blue Chip)
99.9% Guaranteed
72- 84 Month ROI
More Info:
Abbott Ames Investments
(253) 691-9042 eMail:
Presentations Available Upon Request Please feel free to contact Program Manager and Mention the
New Life Gardens Investment
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