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Grades: [Grades Pre-K-2] [Grades 3-5] [Grades 6-8] [Grades 9-12]
What it is:
Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math is a gold mine of interactive activities for the math classroom. The site has over 100 interactive math activities for teaching and practicing math in kindergarten through twelfth grades. These are high quality games, interactives, and simulations for the math classroom. You are sure to find something to use in your math class that will increase understanding!
How to integrate Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math into the classroom: This site is ideal for use with an interactive whiteboard in the math classroom. The activities help students understand concepts that can be difficult by inviting them to interact with the concept. If you don’t have access to an interactive whiteboard, you can demonstrate math concepts from a teacher computer connected to a projector. Students can practice and interact with concepts on classroom computers set up as a math center or individually in the computer lab setting.
Tips: To narrow the list of activities, choose a grade level to narrow activity results.
when the ratio of their time to complete one revolution is assumed to be 2:1.
Turtle Pond
[Grades Pre-K-8] Estimate length and angle measure while guiding a turtle to a pond using computer commands.
...as well as these additional 95 activities...
A Geometric Investigation of (a + b)2
[Grades 9-12] Explore an interactive demonstration of why (a + b)2 = a2 +2ab + b2.
Adjustable Spinner
[Grades Pre-K-12] Create a spinner and examine the experimental and theoretical outcomes for a specified number of spins.
Affine Recurrence Plotter
[Grades 6-12] Investigate affine recurrence relations of the form
A(n) = b × A(n – 1) + c, A(0) = a.
Affine Recurrence Spreadsheet
[Grades 6-12] Investigate affine recurrence relations with a pre‑loaded spreadsheet.
Algebraic Transformations
[Grades 6-12] Explore commutativity and associativity within a geometric situation.
Angle Sums
[Grades 6-8] Explore the sum of the interior angle measures for various polygons.
Area Tool
[Grades 6-8] Investigate how changes in the base and height of trapezoids, parallelograms, and triangles affect their area.
Bar Grapher
[Grades Pre-K-12] Create a customized bar graph with your own data, or display a bar graph from an included set of data.
Box Plotter
[Grades 3-12] Create a customized box plot with your own data, or display a box plot of an included set of data.
Canada Data Map
[Grades 3-12] Use color coding to represent data about the Canadian provinces and territories, including population, land area, and gas usage.
[Grades 3-8] Explore the number of chairs needed when tables are arranged in a restaurant.
Circle Grapher
[Grades Pre-K-12] Create a customized circle graph with your own data, or display a circle graph from an included set of data.
Circle Tool
[Grades 3-8] Compare the circumference and area of a circle to its radius and diameter.
[Grades 6-12] Explore substitution ciphers by encoding and decoding text messages.
Compound Interest Simulator
[Grades 9-12] This applet will allow you to investigate savings account earnings, credit card debt, and a stock market simulation.
Computing Pi
[Grades 6-12] Compare two methods for computing pi.
[Grades Pre-K-5] Play a matching game with different representations of equivalent items — match quantities to their numerals, shapes to their names, or fractions to decimals and percents.
Congruence Theorems
[Grades 9-12] Explore the conditions that guarantee uniqueness of a triangle, quadrilateral or pentagon, regardless of location or orientation.
Conic Section Explorer
[Grades 9-12] Explore how to create and graph the various conic sections.
Cube Nets
[Grades 3-8] Examine various two-dimensional figures to determine which ones can be folded into a cube.
[Grades 3-5] Determine the volume of a box by filling it with cubes, rows of cubes, or layers of cubes.
Cutting Corners
[Grades 9-12] Divide a triangle, square, or trapezoid into smaller, less common shapes.
Cyclic Figures
[Grades 6-8] Students will recognize rotation symmetry in figures and examining various rotation symmetries.
Diagonals to Quadrilaterals I
[Grades 9-12] Investigate the quadrilaterals formed by various arrangements of diagonals.
Diagonals to Quadrilaterals II
[Grades 9-12] Investigate the types of quadrilaterals that can be formed when certain restrictions are placed on the diagonals.
Dihedral Figures
[Grades 6-12] Students will recognize dihedral symmetry and reflections in figures and examining various symmetries.
Distance to Horizon
[Grades 6-12] Investigate the relationship between your height above the Earth and the distance you can see to the horizon.
Electronic Abacus
[Grades Pre-K-5] Explore an abacus model for representing numbers and performing addition.
Equivalent Fractions
[Grades 3-5] Create equivalent fractions by dividing and shading squares or circles, and match each fractions to its location on the number line.
Factor Game
[Grades 3-8] Play an interactive game that exercises your factoring ability. Test your skills against a human or the computer.
[Grades 3-8] Divide numbers into two factors, and build arrays to represent each factorization.
Five Frame
[Grades Pre-K-2] Practice counting and adding to 10, using frames to think of numbers in relation to 5.
Flowing Through Mathematics
[Grades 9-12] Simulate water exiting a tube through a hole in the bottom, and investigate the speed at which the water flows.
Fractal Tool
[Grades 3-12] Play with shapes to understand an iterative process.
Fraction Game
[Grades 3-8] Explore relationships among fractions while playing this interactive game.
Fraction Model I
[Grades 3-8] Explore different representations for fractions. (In this version, the numerator is restricted to values from 0 to 20, and the denominator is limited to benchmark values of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 20.)
Fraction Model II
[Grades 3-8] Explore different representations for fractions. (In this version, the numerator and denominator can both take values up to 20.)
Fraction Model III
[Grades 3-8] Explore different representations for fractions. (In this version, the numerator and denominator can take values up to 100.)
Mean and Median
[Grades 6-12] Investigate the mean, median, and box-and-whisker plot for sets of data that you create.
Mirror Tool
[Grades 9-12] Create reflection symmetry with a mirror.
[Grades 6-12] Explore mixture problems using colored circles from two different piles.
...AND MORE... http://ilearntechnology.com
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