Sunday, December 20, 2009

Senator Patty urges the Senate "Health Care Reform"

Murray Urges Colleagues to Focus on Helping Families, Not on Number of Pages in Bill

The Honorable Senator Patty Murray WA State; Urges the Senate to set a course that would help Doreen Kelsey and her family against the massive insurance companies that drop or stall insurers from doing the right thing and the smart thing. Yet the Right Wing pawns continue to confuse people through rhetoric, fear tactics and lies. If you have not written or call your Senators please do so Now and voice your concern as to why its taken 40 years to pass a comprehensive health plan for the richest country in the World.

Yet 47 million don't have health care and Insurance companies continue to get away with killing people even after they have paid for health care. These are not just isolated events. Wait till you have been denied care from your insurance carrier because of a foolish reason ($$$) Voice your concern and spread the word. Hold your electorate accountable whether you voted or not they are still your representation.

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