Pierce County Democratic Party Newsletter“
It’s GREAT to be a Democrat”
June 9th-June 23rd The Pierce County
Democratic Central Committee Office still has campaign items for both candidates!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Silent Auction Fundraiser for JeanMarie Christenson, Gordon's Grange,
308 Yelm Av E, Yelm, WA -
Fun, Gift Items,
Gift Certificates from local merchants
Gift Certificates from local merchants
Monday, June 9, 2008
An Evening with Larry Seaquist
USS Turner Joy
300 Washington Beach Ave.
Bremerton, WA 98337
USS Turner Joy
300 Washington Beach Ave.
Bremerton, WA 98337
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:00-7:00pm
Pass the Purse for
University Club of Seattle
1105 6th Ave Seattle WA 98101
Please join the National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Cathy Allen, Julie Anderson, Ronnie Bush, Vicki Fabre, Ellen Ferguson, Char and Sam Hunt, Linda Mitchell, Vicki Orrico, Allison Peters, and Karen Smitherman in support of Pat McCarthy for Pierce County Executive to be the First Woman County Executive in the state of Washington!
Thursday, June 12, 2008 12:00pm - 6:00pm Out in the Park Tacoma
Kim Abel State Rep. 26th LD Pos. 1
Campaign KickoffThe Tides Tavern.
Campaign KickoffThe Tides Tavern.
2925 Harborview Dr.
Gig Harbor 98335
Gig Harbor 98335
Pierce County Democratic Central Committee MeetingIBEW Hall
3049 S 36th
3049 S 36th
Tacoma WA 98409
Saturday, June 14, 2008
State ConventionSpokane Convention Center
334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
State ConventionSpokane Convention Center
334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane WA
Monday, June 16, 2008
6:00a-8:00p South Sound For Hillary
Monthly MeetingKing's Books
Monthly MeetingKing's Books
218 Saint Helens Ave Tacoma
12:00p Democratic Luncheon Club
Allenmore Golf Course Restaurant2
125 S Cedar StTacoma, 98405
Allenmore Golf Course Restaurant2
125 S Cedar StTacoma, 98405
2nd District Democrats MeetingGraham Public Library9202
224th St EGraham, Washington 98338
2nd District Democrats MeetingGraham Public Library9202
224th St EGraham, Washington 98338
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
6:30p-8:00p Pierce County
Tech CommitteePierce County Democratic Party Main Office
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Hall
3049 S 36th StTacoma WA 98409
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Jim Mcintire for State Treasurer
Pierce County Campaign Kick-OffLocated at The Hub Restaurant, 203 Tacoma Ave S, \
Jim Mcintire for State Treasurer
Pierce County Campaign Kick-OffLocated at The Hub Restaurant, 203 Tacoma Ave S, \
Tacoma, WA 98402
31st LD General Membership Meeting Marion Grange,
27725 Buckley-Sumner Hwy E.,
31st LD General Membership Meeting Marion Grange,
27725 Buckley-Sumner Hwy E.,
social hour at 6 pm; meeting at 7; http://31stdistrictdemocrats.org/
Drinking LiberallyMeconi's Pub
709 Pacific Ave
Drinking LiberallyMeconi's Pub
709 Pacific Ave
Tacoma WA 98402
This group is not affiliated with the Democratic Party, but they have a good time talking about politics.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
11:30a UP Voter Registration Canvas Day
28th LD Office
8415 27th ST W
University Place 98466
11:30a UP Voter Registration Canvas Day
28th LD Office
8415 27th ST W
University Place 98466
Come join us and we register voters in University Place.
We will meet at the 28th LD office, have a quick training session,
and then canvas targeted precincts in the UP area.
Monday, June 23, 2008
7:00p-9:00p 27th District
Democrats MeetingCommencement Bay Coffee Co
Democrats MeetingCommencement Bay Coffee Co
2354 Jefferson Ave
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 274-1173
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