Have you written to your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives…
The Republicans are in the House trying to submit a resolution to start drilling off the shores of the U.S. as well as within our interior areas of the U.S. “I’m not convinced” I remember when I was a young lad when we had gas lines in 1973.
I heard a lot of talk about alternative energy such as corn and other substances to make bio-diesel and ethanol. What happen to hydrogen fuel cells? What happen to using industrialized hemp?
Can’t these other methods be explored? Those are some questions that we can ponder and look at after we the American people have supported the resolution that the Representative from Ohio put forth on the floor. Don’t Delay Write your U.S. House Representative. Here is a link and go back to my letter and copy and paste if it will help or write your own…Pls & Thx..
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